domingo, 26 de abril de 2009


Write about the influence of psychologists on our society. Are they well considered? Could they be the answer to our psychological necessities?

To start I would like to say that, in my opinion, the figure of the psychologist is not seen by the society as it should be. When people think of psychology we all imagine the typical image of the psychoanalyst who is in a chair listening to your problems and taking notes, and psychology is not only that, there are lots of kinds of psychologists who are not known by the majority of people.

Personally I think that people abuses of the figure of the psychologist. Nowadays life is much easier than some years ago and when we have a problem: “Oh my God…my life is nothing…I should go to the psychologist…I’m not OK…”

There are a lot of people who think like this, and maybe, if they were a bit optimistic, they would be able to solve these problems on their own.

Of course, there are people who really need a psychologist to have more self-control, more self-esteem,… but it has to be something serious. Loads of people go to the psychologist because they don’t spend enough time to solve their problems or answer themselves some questions.

So, in conclusion, what I mean is that the figure of the psychologist is too much well considered because, of course they can solve our psychological necessities, but then, people don’t answer their problems on their own. Finally I want to say that I’m not including that ones who are really having a psychological trouble.

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