martes, 25 de marzo de 2008


What do you prefer: Friends or family?

This is a very good question. The answer for this is a very important decision. All teenagers who want to leave home have to do themselves this question, but most of them want to live with their friends. Who not? But lots of them aren’t consensus about the problems of share a flat.

If you are in a flat with your friends, you have to pay for everything: water, electricity, food… Also you have to share the housework and sometimes you argue with your friends for it. You haven’t got privacy as well. Although, friends can be interfering, jealous and competitive, and that’s a big problem.
But this problems can be solved by your friends too. A friend is someone who will always back you, he is someone you can depend on… In my opinion, share a flat is a true challenge, a challenge that can teach you an important lesson.
But if you want a easy life you must live with you parents. You won’t pay for anything, you only have to do some housework to become happy your parents. But you have to accept their rules, and you are not free. You also haven’t any privacy.

For me, I think that he best thing you can do, is share a flat with your friends while you are studying. Then, when you finish your studies and you are working, you can rent a flat until you can buy it. You can also share a flat with you girlfriend. In fact, you have to think about it, and choose the best option for your life.

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